Please click on the underlined links to read, download or print our documents.
The New Members Nomination Form 2024-25: The form to use to apply to join our club. The form should be sent to the Secretary. If you find it hard to get a ‘nominator’ and ‘seconder’, then speak to the Secretary who will be able to help. If you wish to join us from another club you will also need to complete the Bowls New Zealand Clearance Certificate.
If you wish to hire our facilities then please first speak to Dave Kelly (see our About Us page). Then download and read our Clubrooms Hire Agreement and complete our LBC Hire of Clubrooms Booking Confirmation.
We also require you to have read and understand our Fire Emergency procedures and accept the responsibilities of you as the Hirer.
LBC Health & Safety Policy: The Club is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for members, visitors, and other persons within its operating facilities. The policy is part of our wider Health & Safety Plan and audit system.
Constitution June 2020: It is important that as a good club we have a up-to-date constitution that is registered with NZ Government as an officially Incorporated Society.
Privacy Policy: The Club is committed to protecting the information of its members.